Australian Film Diversity & Inclusion Foundation ABN: 92434897883 (herein referred to as “PADIFF”, “we”, “us” and “our”) is a Business which is responsible for the running of the Port Adelaide Diversity & Inclusion Film Festival and other events. In performing its functions (including the creation of accounts) PADIFF may be provided with or obtain personal information from you.
By accessing the website located at you consent to the terms of this privacy policy (including the use and disclosure of your personal information in the manner outlined below).
Personal data collection
PADIFF maintains a policy of confidence concerning the personal information it obtains.
We do not collect personally identifying information about individuals unless specifically and knowingly provided by such individuals.
Personal information about you that might be gathered:
- When contacting us for an account at PADIFF
- When registering for a ticket through trybooking ticket system
The only details that we will collect are those you choose to supply us with at the time of buying. PADIFF will not share your data with any third parties.
All information collected by PADIFF is for the purpose of performing its functions associated with conducting the Port Adelaide Diversity Inclusion Film Festival. This information may include (but is not limited to) your name, mailing address, email address and phone number (Personal Information).
Data collection for statistical purposes
PADIFF may also disclose your personal information to a law enforcement agency if required by law to do so.
Information practices of third parties
This Privacy Policy does not cover the information practices of third parties whose websites may be linked to PADIFF’s website or services and is not responsible for the collection and use of your personal information by such third parties. Please refer to the privacy policies and statements of other service providers and obtain information regarding their collection, use and disclosure policies.
Consent and opting out
Personal information can be used or disclosed for our future film festival marketing purposes with your consent. you have the right to email us if you don’t wish to receive that information.
If you wish to lodge a complaint regarding issues of privacy that are related to PADIFF or you wish to update your details please contact us at